Age of empires 2 priest
Age of empires 2 priest

  • The new chanting appears to be oddly coded.
  • This also occurs for Native American Monks, hero Monks, and other units in this line such as the Imam.
  • Before the Definitive Edition, due to the way the units were coded, if a Priest picks up a Relic it will be transformed into a regular Monk belonging to the civilization the player is playing as.
  • age of empires 2 priest

    A notable difference is that rather than the standard Monk chanting from Age of Empires II, they utilize the popular "Wololo" chanting from Age of Empires. Priests function similarly to regular Monks, being able to convert enemy units and heal friendly ones. Priests cannot be trained, but are available in the Scenario Editor and make appearance in some campaign scenarios, e.g. It is one of several returning units from the first game re-introduced in Age of Empires II, such as the Heavy Swordsman and Legionary.

    age of empires 2 priest

    The Priest is a variant of the Monk introduced in Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms.

    Age of empires 2 priest